Thursday 10 June 2010


Our Marketing Coordinator Paola is not just a lovely person but a true star in making healthy muffins.
Last week when we had the Afternoon Tea at the Pressconference for the new spa, she charmed all Media!

Blueberry Muffins
Ingredients (12 muffins)

225 C˚/about 15-20 minutes

100 g butter

200 g ecological blueberries

4 dl Dinkel flour

2 ecological eggs

2 dl ecological oat milk

1,5 dl sugar

2 teaspoons of flavored vanilla sugar

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1 grated lemon peel
Preparations: Mix the flour with the baking soda and lemon peel. Melt the butter in a pot and mix it with the milk.

How to do it: Mix the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla sugar. Whip the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer until the mixture becomes partially fluffy. Add the butter and milk into the mixture and stir it together. Add the flour mix into the bowl and mix until it becomes a smooth mix. Put some of the blueberries in the muffin forms and then pour the mixture into the form until 2/3 of the form is covered. Then finish off with some extra blueberries on top. Place the muffins on a baking tray in the oven at 225 C˚ for about 15-20 minutes.

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